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  • Colony life history of the tropical arboreal ant, Cephalotes goniodontus De Andrade, 1999
    热带木栖蚂蚁Cephalotes goniodontusDe Andrade, 1999的种群生活史研究

    I A E Butler,T Butterfield,M Janda et al.

    Insectes sociaux. 2024;71(3):271-281. DOI:10.1007/s00040-024-00974-3

  • Evidence of queen-rearing suppression by mature queens in the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata

    R M Collignon,M S Siderhurst,D H Cha

    Insectes sociaux. 2023;70(2):259-263. DOI:10.1007/s00040-023-00917-4

  • Innate visual attraction in wood ants is a hardwired behavior seen across different motivational and ecological contexts
    innate visual attraction in wood ants is a hard-wired behavior observed in various motivational and ecological contexts

    C Buehlmann,P Graham

    Insectes sociaux. 2022;69(2-3):271-277. DOI:10.1007/s00040-022-00867-3

  • The gut microbiota of bumblebees

    Tobin J Hammer,Eli Le,Alexia N Martin et al.

    Insectes sociaux. 2021 Nov;68(4):287-301. DOI:10.1007/s00040-021-00837-1

  • The effects of a myrmecochore-produced chemical on entomopathogenic fungal growth and seed-dispersing ant survival rates and foraging patterns

    Chloe L Lash,Samantha L Sturiale,Samantha A Kisare et al.

    Insectes sociaux. 2020 Nov;67(4):495-505. DOI:10.1007/s00040-020-00786-1

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