2025年3月28日 星期五 18:04:35 农历二月廿九 手机版 客户端
《Frontiers in Zoology》杂志封面






《Frontiers in Zoology》中科院JCR分区

  • 2023年12月升级版:
  • 大类小类学科Top综述期刊
    生物学 2区

  • 2022年12月升级版:
  • 大类小类学科Top综述期刊
    生物学 2区

    《Frontiers in Zoology》期刊简介:

    Frontiers in Zoology is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal publishing high quality research articles and reviews on all aspects of animal life.

    As a biological discipline, zoology has one of the longest histories. Today it occasionally appears as though, due to the rapid expansion of life sciences, zoology has been replaced by more or less independent sub-disciplines amongst which exchange is often sparse. However, the recent advance of molecular methodology into 'classical' fields of biology, and the development of theories that can explain phenomena on different levels of organisation, has led to a re-integration of zoological disciplines promoting a broader than usual approach to zoological questions. Zoology has re-emerged as an integrative discipline encompassing the most diverse aspects of animal life, from the level of the gene to the level of the ecosystem.

    Frontiers in Zoology is the first open access journal focusing on zoology as a whole. It aims to represent and re-unite the various disciplines that look at animal life from different perspectives and at providing the basis for a comprehensive understanding of zoological phenomena on all levels of analysis. Frontiers in Zoology provides a unique opportunity to publish high quality research and reviews on zoological issues that will be internationally accessible to any reader at no cost.

    The journal was initiated and is supported by the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, one of the largest national zoological societies with more than a century-long tradition in promoting high-level zoological research.

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    《Frontiers in Zoology》评估说明

      《Frontiers in Zoology》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《FRONT ZOOL》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。"《FRONT ZOOL》" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析。

    此文由爱科学编辑!:首页 > SCI期刊 > 生物 » Frontiers in Zoology

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