LUTS is designed for the timely communication of peer-reviewed studies which provides new clinical and basic science information to physicians and researchers in the field of neurourology, urodynamics and urogynecology. Contributions are reviewed and selected by a group of distinguished referees from around the world, some of whom constitute the journal's Editorial Board. The journal covers both basic and clinical research on lower urinary tract dysfunctions (LUTD), such as overactive bladder (OAB), detrusor underactivity, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse (POP), painful bladder syndrome (PBS), as well as on other relevant conditions. Case reports are published only if new findings are provided.
LUTS is an official journal of the Japanese Continence Society, the Korean Continence Society, and the Taiwanese Continence Society. Submission of papers from all countries are welcome. LUTS has been accepted into Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) with a 2011 Impact Factor.