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《Journal of Bone Oncology》杂志封面






《Journal of Bone Oncology》中科院JCR分区

  • 2023年12月升级版:
  • 大类小类学科Top综述期刊
    医学 2区

  • 2022年12月升级版:
  • 大类小类学科Top综述期刊
    医学 2区

    《Journal of Bone Oncology》期刊简介:

    The Journal of Bone Oncology is a peer-reviewed international journal aimed at presenting basic, translational and clinical high-quality research related to bone and cancer.

    As the first journal dedicated to cancer induced bone diseases, JBO welcomes original research articles, review articles, editorials and opinion pieces. Case reports will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and only when accompanied by a comprehensive review of the subject.

    The areas covered by the journal include:

    Bone metastases (pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnostics, clinical features, prevention, treatment)
    Preclinical models of metastasis
    Bone microenvironment in cancer (stem cell, bone cell and cancer interactions)
    Bone targeted therapy (pharmacology, therapeutic targets, drug development, clinical trials, side-effects, outcome research, health economics)
    Cancer treatment induced bone loss (epidemiology, pathophysiology, prevention and management)
    Bone imaging (clinical and animal, skeletal interventional radiology)
    Bone biomarkers (clinical and translational applications)
    Radiotherapy and radio-isotopes
    Skeletal complications
    Bone pain (mechanisms and management)
    Orthopaedic cancer surgery
    Primary bone tumours
    Clinical guidelines
    Multidisciplinary care
    Keywords: bisphosphonate, bone, breast cancer, cancer, CTIBL, denosumab, metastasis, myeloma, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteooncology, osteo-oncology, prostate cancer, skeleton, tumour.

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      《Journal of Bone Oncology》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《J BONE ONCOL》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。"《J BONE ONCOL》" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析。

    此文由爱科学编辑!:首页 > SCI期刊 > 医学 » Journal of Bone Oncology

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