2025年3月21日 星期五 01:27:37 农历二月廿二 手机版 客户端
《Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》杂志封面






《Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》中科院JCR分区

  • 2023年12月升级版:
  • 未收录

  • 2022年12月升级版:
  • 未收录

    《Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》期刊简介:

    Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Nucl Med Mol Imaging) is an official journal of the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine, which bimonthly publishes papers on February, April, June, August, October, and December about nuclear medicine and related sciences such as radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, dosimetry and pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics of radiopharmaceuticals, nuclear and molecular imaging analysis, nuclear and molecular imaging instrumentation, radiation biology and radionuclide therapy. The journal specially welcomes works of artificial intelligence applied to nuclear medicine. The journal will also welcome original works relating to molecular imaging research such as the development of molecular imaging probes, reporter imaging assays, imaging cell trafficking, imaging endo(exo)genous gene expression, and imaging signal transduction. Nucl Med Mol Imaging publishes the following types of papers: original articles, reviews, case reports, editorials, interesting images, and letters to the editor.

    The Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine (KSNM)

    KSNM is a scientific and professional organization founded in 1961 and a member of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences of the Korean Medical Association which was established by The Medical Services Law. The aims of KSNM are the promotion of nuclear medicine and cooperation of each member. The business of KSNM includes holding academic meetings and symposia, the publication of journals and books, planning and research of promoting science and health, and training and qualification of nuclear medicine specialists.

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      《Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。"《》" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析。

    此文由爱科学编辑!:首页 > SCI期刊 > 医学 » Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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