he aim of the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is to ensure fast and efficient online publication tools to the scientific community, while keeping that community in charge of every aspect of the peer-review and publication process in order to ensure the highest quality standards in the journal.
Consequently, the Advisory and Editorial Boards, composed of distinguished, active scientists in the field, jointly establish with the Scientific Director the journal's scientific policy and ensure the scientific quality of accepted articles.
JHEP presently encompasses the following areas of theoretical and experimental physics:
Collider Physics
Underground and Large Array Physics
Quantum Field Theory
Gauge Field Theories
String and Brane Theory
General Relativity and Gravitation
Mathematical Methods of Physics
Mostly Solvable Models
Statistical Field Theories
Mostly Weak Interactions
Mostly Strong Interactions
Quantum Field Theory (phenomenology)
Strings and Branes
Phenomenological Aspects of Supersymmetry
Mostly Strong Interactions (phenomenology).