Smart Materials and Structures (SMS) is a multi-disciplinary engineering journal that explores the creation and utilization of novel forms of transduction. It is a leading journal in the area of smart materials and structures, publishing the most important results from different regions of the world, largely from Asia, Europe and North America. The results may be as disparate as the development of new materials and active composite systems, derived using theoretical predictions to complex structural systems, which generate new capabilities by incorporating enabling new smart material transducers. The theoretical predictions are usually accompanied with experimental verification, characterizing the performance of new structures and devices. These systems are examined from the nanoscale to the macroscopic. SMS has a Board of Associate Editors who are specialists in a multitude of areas, ensuring that reviews are fast, fair and performed by experts in all sub-disciplines of smart materials, systems and structures.
A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding and dissemination of knowledge in this subject matter.